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Weekly Events

Catechumenate and Sacred Ground

Catechumenate (which means teaching) starts at 4 p.m. every Sunday in the fall! This is a year-round program of relationship building while asking deeper questions about Christian faith, Discipleship, and Scripture.

Sacred Ground meets every Wednesday at 4:30 during the fall semester for a series of film- and readings-based conversations relating to race and faith. 

There is no required reading or "homework" outside of each session for either Catechumenate or Sacred Ground! 

6:04 Dinner and Worship

We gather every Sunday during the fall and spring semesters for a time of dinner, fellowship, and worship.

We gather starting at 5:30 p.m., Dinner starts at 6:04 p.m. with worship following around 6:40 p.m. After worship, we have dessert and time for more fellowship!


All are welcome to worship with us - you do not have to have any specific church background or be familier with Lutheran or Episcopal Worship to join! 

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer starts at 11:30 a.m. Monday - Friday and takes around 30 minutes!

The common room will be open for studying, relaxing, or eating lunch in after the service is over. 

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